Modlink MSDD服务接口通常位于机柜上易于看到的位置。非常适合附加系统标签,条形码和警告标识。通过定制,无需再安装其他标签。 经销商和机柜制造商可以使用此显眼位置作为其标志进行广告宣传的位置。
The Modlink MSDD service interfaces are situated in an easily visible location on the switch cabinet. They are perfect for attaching system labels, barcodes, and warnings. It is no longer necessary to install additional signs. Dealers and rack cabinet manufacturers can advertise by using the area as a prominent position for their logo.
我们的Modlink MSDD免费提供激光雕刻服务,您可定制任意的文字或标志(任意数量皆可)。
We will laser engrave your text or logo on the Modlink MSDD at no charge (for any number of parts).
*新的激光技术确保清晰,持久的可读性。 整个过程快速而简单:只需通过电子邮件发送标志,激光即可开始雕刻。
The newest laser technology ensures good, long-lasting readability. The process is quick and easy: simply send the logo by email and the laser will start engraving soon after.
- 下一篇:实用且安全的方式访问控件
- 上一篇:工业机器人谨防扎堆低端化